Introducing Molly! 

Class: Ambusher

Faction: Force & Arms

Weapon: Shotgun

🔹 Molly's backstory, like many heroes, is shrouded in mystery. However, this isn't due to a dark past – she's too young to have accumulated skeletons in her closet. We know that her entire family tree is filled with professional soldiers.

🔹Naturally following in their footsteps, Molly displayed remarkable abilities from a young age, even during her seemingly playful childhood escapades. As soon as she was old enough, Molly joined Forces & Arms as a recruit. She knew what she was getting into, but she couldn't have predicted the swiftness of her “baptism by fire.”

🔹After receiving basic training and completing the rookie program, Molly was assigned to one of the faction's most remote and inaccessible bases in [DATA REMOVED]. But her anticipation of upcoming shooting practice, training, tactics, and camouflage lectures was interrupted just 20 hours after the group of recruits arrived.

🔹Even before the deployment, a P.Y.R.O. reconnaissance squad revealed the base's location, searching the area for resources to fuel their pyromaniacal needs. Turning the well-fortified base into a mountain of smoking ruins was only a matter of time.

🔹On the early morning of August 13th, [DATA REMOVED], the base's walls were illuminated by the flames of war. Force & Arms was unprepared for full-scale combat in this sector, and the element of surprise threw the entire base into chaos. Molly escaped by hiding in an abandoned mine directly beneath the barracks. It wasn't on the maps, allowing Molly to slip away undetected right under P.Y.R.O.'s nose.

🔹Returning to Force & Arms headquarters, Molly reported everything she had seen and how she had escaped. The only thing that puzzled the command was that they knew about the mine. According to the records, it had been abandoned and sealed nearly 30 years ago. The path Molly took that day remains a mystery – or does it hide even more secrets?


⛏️ Ability: Burrow ⛏️

Molly's ability to move so quickly through the tunnels has an explanation. She discovered artifacts in the cave, a pickaxe and helmet, which allowed her to drill tunnels through most obstacles.

Molly's rational and practical mind preferred not to waste energy on figuring out how the artifacts work, so the instructions for their use were developed on the fly:

  • When Burrow is activated, Molly digs herself underground for a certain period. Underground, Molly can move freely and ignore almost all obstacles.
  • However, she cannot shoot, use a medkit, open boxes, plant bombs, use a drone, or plant bombs.
  • Molly cannot see what is happening on the surface but can hear footsteps.
  • After the ability timer ends or if it is canceled, Molly jumps to the surface, disarming enemies within a certain radius and dealing damage to them.
  • Ball lightning and any explosions throw Molly to the surface. Enemies within the radius will not be disarmed.
  • While underground, Molly scans the space around her within a certain radius. Heroes falling within this radius are visible to Molly until they leave.
  • Moving underground, Molly leaves a trace on the surface that is visible to all heroes. This trace disappears over time.
  • When under an obstacle, Molly will jump to the nearest free space on the surface.

🔱 Divine Season!🔱

May the gods be with you! The new Star Pass season is just around the corner — mythical pantheons are about to clash on the Bullet Echo arenas. Get ready for the Divine Season! Thematic skins, a new map, a motivated hero, and many other rewards will be available soon! ⭐


🔩 Map Updates 🔩

  • ⚙️ The "City” map has been updated.
  • ⚙️ Reworked maps have been added:
      •  Experimental Block (King of the Hill)
      • Playground (Battle Royale)