There are four types of attractions in the game. Each attraction is unique and has its own design and abilities.

Common Attractions

Bumper cars (Common)
Ride the visitors in the cars! Even though itā€™s a very simple attraction, donā€™t underestimate its ability to increase your visitorā€™s thrill by 25!

Solar jets (Common)
Ride the visitors around this solar gets! The bright sun, around which spaceships are flying, will increase the Thrill of your visitors by 25!

Skull Island (Common)
Ride the visitors around Skull Island! Trains around the mysterious skull will increase your visitors Fun by 50!

Lucky Cat (Common)
Ride the visitors around this friendly cat! This pretty kitten makes your visitors happy and increases their Cute by 25!

Dragon cave (Common)
Ride the visitors around dragon cave! Burning lava, a fascinating dragon emits gray smoke - what else do you need to increase the Fun of your visitors by 75? This attraction has it all!

Raging bull (Common)
Ride the visitors on a raging bull! The raging bull increases your visitorsā€™ Thrill by 75! But donā€™t forget that Nausea is increased by 40-60.

Rare Attractions

Funny Train (Rare)

Ride the visitors around this friendly clown! Even though itā€™s a very simple attraction, donā€™t underestimate its ability to increase your visitorsā€™ Fun!

Pirate Ships (Rare)

Those visitors who are fond of strong impressions can visit the Pirate Ships! This attraction increases your visitorsā€™ Thrill! But be careful, your visitorsā€™ Nausea also increases!

Teacups (Rare)

Spin the visitors around in a giant teacup! This adorable attraction increases your visitorsā€™ Cute. However, they might not want to go on this ride on full stomach ā€“ your visitorsā€™ Nausea also increases!
Space Cannon (Rare)

To ride on this attraction is really an extraordinary experience. The Space Cannon increases your visitorsā€™ Thrill! Donā€™t forget that Nausea is also increased.

Epic Attractions

Kraken Swirl (Epic)

Release the Kraken (a friendly one that will ride your visitors around)! This attraction increases your visitorsā€™ Thrill and adds Nausea.
Tiki Splash (Epic)

Let your visitors enjoy this stylish water attraction. It increases Thrill as well as Nausea.

Gold Rush (Epic)

This is gold! Your visitors wonā€™t be able to resist. This attraction increases Thrill as well as Nausea.

Space Attack (Events)

An experience out of this world! This attraction increases Thrill and Nausea.

Can I delete an attraction?

You can send an attraction back to your inventory by tapping on the attraction itself and then on the purple button:

All the upgrades for it will be saved, and you'll be able to place it again from the inventory menu.