List of all resources in the game and how to get them.

- Selling gems
- Collecting from the mine
- Collecting skulls
- Events
- Challenge reward
- Attacking dungeons in multiplayer
- Revenge
- Single-player company
- Arsenal
- League reward
- Arena reward (random chest reward)
- Bazaar
- Star Master
- Labirynth
- Buying with spheres
- Daily reward when available

- Bought from the Store
- Completing tasks in other games
- Completing missions
- Leveling up
- Labirynth
- Arsenal
- League reward
- Arena reward (including random chest reward)
- Challenges
- Events and Leaderboard
- Breaking locks
- Daily reward
Keys/Lock pics:

- Watching ads when breaking locks
- Star Master
- Daily reward (when available)
- Arsenal
- Labirynth
- Events
- Buying with spheres
- Arena reward (random chest reward)

- Arena reward (random chest reward)
- Arsenal
- Events
- Buying with spheres
- Star Master
- Daily reward
- Bazaar
Magical Spheres:

- Arsenal
- Buying with spheres in Store
- Filling up the progress bar by saving gems
Unique Gems:

- Events and Leaderboard
- Challenges
- Random reward from a Magic Sphere

- Daily reward
- Bazaar
- Arena reward (random chest reward)
- Arsenal
- Events
- Star Master
- Labirynth
- Finishing rituals