Guild Craziness is a guild event during where you and other members of your guild can complete various missions in order to earn as many rewards as possible.
As this is a guild event, you will first need to join a guild to participate. If you are already in a guild, you will be taken directly to the event when you tap the event button. You don't have to spend any resources to take part in the event - it's free.
There are a total of 9 missions to complete. Once a day the missions will change to other random missions. If you have not completed a mission in 24 hours, then it will reset and start again. Once you have completed all 9 missions, you will have to wait for new missions to appear.
Completing missions will earn you stars, which will fill up the event's progress bar. The exact number of stars that you will receive for completing a particular mission is shown in the "Reward" field.

To speed up the filling of the progress bar, you can use a boost. You can get boosts in two ways: for watching ads and for orbs.
As you can see, the progress bar has rewards on both sides: the top and the bottom. The rewards located at the top are guild rewards. These are given to all players who were in the guild at the time a particular reward mark was reached on the progress bar. New players who join the guild after a particular reward has been achieved will not receive that reward, nor any previously achieved rewards. However, they will be able to receive all subsequent rewards.
Please note that if you have already received some rewards in one guild, and then join another guild, then you will not receive the same rewards again.
The rewards located at the bottom of the progress bar are your personal rewards. They are locked by default and can only be accesses by purchasing a Battle Pass. This will allow you to receive both guild and personal rewards when you reach certain marks on the progress bar.
Please note that the pass will only be active for one launch of the event. You will need to buy it again for the next events.
Unlike guild rewards, if you change guilds and join a guild that is further ahead in the event, you will be able to collect all the personal rewards that the guild had achieved before you joined.