Arenas, Guilds & Guild Battles
What is the Guild? A guild is a community of players who join forces to take part in guild battles, help each other recover stolen gems...
Guild Battle
Guild Battle is a guild activity where two guilds fight to see who can steal the most gems. A new round of Guild Battle begins ev...
How many players can join a guild?
The higher the level of the guild, the more people can join it. The maximum number of members in a guild is now 30.
What is the requirement to join a guild?
Guilds may have a requirement, which sets the minimum rating that you must have in order to join. The requirement can be changed by a guild ...
Who is a guild leader?
The guild leader decides who stays in the guild and who gets kicked out. When you create a new guild, you automatically become its leader. I...
Who gets the reward for winning guild battle?
To receive a reward for winning a battle, a player must be active during the round (their delta must change in any direction for any value)....
What is a guild chat?
Guild chat is the place where you can discuss tactics with your guild mates or simply ask them for help. Tap on the little arrow on the...
How to leave my guild?
If you want to leave your guild, go to the Guild section → click on "My Guild" → find your nickname in the list of players → tap on the nick...
Joining a friend's guild
Navigate to the League menu and tap the Friends button. Here you will see a list of all your Facebook friends. Next to each nickname is a gu...
What is a gem rating bonus?
If your guild is of a high enough level, you and all your guildmates will receive bonus points to the rating of the gems you obtain. The hig...
How to increase the guild level?
In order to increase the level of the guild, its members need to make donations (exchange their in-game items for the guild experience point...
In the Arena, 25 guilds compete to see who can score the most points in a round of a Guild Battle.A Guild Battle is a battle between two gui...
I accidentally changed the guild leader, can I change it back?
We have added a confirmation pop-up to prevent the accidental transfer of the guild leadership. If you have agreed (intentionally or not) to...
I'm older than 16 now, can I see the guild chat?
Unfortunately, the age you choose when you start the game cannot be changed for your current character later, even if you chose it by mistak...
Personal activity indicator (Multiplicator)
All rewards for the Season and Guild Battles are now based on the Multiplicator - the personal activity level of each guild member. The indi...
New Guild System
We’ve changed the guild system and the mechanism for levels’ increasing. From now on, the maximum level is increased: players can upgra...
Honor: the ways you can use it
Honor is a currency that you can earn by participating in Guild Battles and Arenas.The place where you can spend your accumulated Honor is t...
What is the Guild Armory ?
The Armory is the guild store where you can spend the Honor you earned in Guild Battles and in Arenas.To access the Armory, simply tap the l...
Who is a guild officer?
Officer is a special title that can be given by the guild leader to any member of the guild. There can only be one officer in a guild. The o...
New Guild Throne
Guilds that win the Crown Arena will now be rewarded with the Crown Champion Throne! This throne is even more powerful than the Foresee...
How to change the guild's name?
Regrettably, it is impossible to change the guild's name once it's set.
Guild battle
Every 72 hours a new round of guild battle begins. Your guild is put against a random guild. Your contribution to the battle is based on how...
Not rewarded for the guild battle
Only 40% of guild members receive the reward. If you haven't lost your Delta (the total value of gems obtained since the start of the round)...
Guild newcomers
Newcomers cannot instantly join the Guild Battle and will have to wait until the next round starts. These players are separated from other g...