Available Payment Methods
In-game Purchases
Why can't I update the game?
How do I restore my progress?
Account Issues
Account progress on Android
I have already turned 16. Сan I change my age in the game?
How do I get a redeem code?
🔥 All Stars Batteries refresh issue
End of support for iOS 12 and lower
What is the server maintenance?
What is the goal of the game?
What are the requirements to play the game?
Can I play C.A.T.S. offline?
MEGABUILD: How to create parts from the Blueprint
MEGABUILD: How to build your Bot
How many Stages are there in the World Championship?
How many fights in Big Fight should I win to get instant promotion?
What do I get for Quick Fight win streaks?
What is a gang?
Gang Leader changed unintentionally
What is a gang chat?
Ultimate leagues
Ultimate vehicles and parts
Global Leaderboard
Is C.A.T.S. free to play?
I lost resources due to disconnection. Can I get them back?
I have spent gems accidentally. Can you return them?
Clear or reset Google Play Store app cache and data
My game is crashing
I keep losing connection
My game crashes or won't load (iOS)
Why and how should I connect the game to Facebook?
Why can't I see my Facebook friends in the game?
Can I connect multiple Facebook accounts to one game account?
Best Battles & Promocodes
How do I leave feedback or suggestions for CATS?
Terms & Conditions
What are ZeptoLab’s data collection and privacy policies?
Account deletion request
How many Leagues are there?
New season of City Kings
All-Stars Event: Everything you wanted to know about it