There are two types of weapons in C.A.T.S.: melee and ranged. Melee weapons deal damage only when they touch the opponent's vehicle, while ranged weapons deal damage at long range.
Melee weapons:
  • Blade
  • Chainsaw
  • Drill
  • Stinger
Ranged weapons:
  • Rocket
  • Laser (opens at Stage 5) - a slow-fire weapon that fires every 2.5 seconds
  • Double Rocket (opens at Stage 20) - a rocket launcher that fires in both directions
  • Minigun (must be warmed up to begin firing. The warm-up time is one second, after which the fire rate increases progressively, reaching its maximum in 4 seconds, making 3 shots per second. The damage you see in the minigun stats is the maximum DPS that the weapon will reach when fully warmed up)
  • Shotgun (fires 7 bullets, the damage you see is the sum of all 7 bullets. You can calculate the damage of a bullet like this: damage of one bullet = total damage/7. Each projectile has an impulse that physically affects the target (repulses it), and the owner (repulses in the opposite direction of the volley)
Each weapon has a random number of damage points, depending on the Tier of the weapon (metal/golden/etc.), the number of stars it has and its level. Each weapon also has some power requirements. You need to have enough power in your chassis in order to install it.
IMPORTANT: Please note that the damage points shown on the screen are the damage per second (DPS), not total damage. Certain weapons (such as lasers) fire more slowly than others. If you have a laser that does 400 DPS, it will deal 1000 damage per shot because it fires every 2.5 seconds, and "powers up" while idle (400*2.5 = 1000).
Damage from toolboxes is also multiplied by a factor of 2.5. This means that if your laser is doing 400 DPS and is powered up by an attack toolbox that gives additional 500 points, the total damage will be (400+500)*2.5 = 2250.