There are currently 9 Championships with 24 Stages and 5 Tiers.
- Outskirts Championship - Stages 1-3
- Port Championship - Stages 4-6
- Twilight Championship - Stages 7-9
- Beach Championship - Stages 10-12
- City Championship - Stages 13-15
- Backyard Championship - Stages 16-18
- Bridge Championship - Stages 19-21
- Airport Championship - Stages 22-23
- World Scrap Championship - Stages 24
- Wooden Parts - Stages 1-4
- Metal Parts - Stages 5-9
- Military Parts - Stages 10-14
- Golden Parts - Stages 15-19
- Carbon Parts - Stages 20-24
After you reach Stage 24, you can choose to enter the Prestige Mode and start the game from the very beginning, while keeping all your skills, rating and gems.