What is a gang?
A gang is a community of players who join forces so that they can communicate with each other, test setups in friendly fights, and participa...
Gang Leader changed unintentionally
When you make another player a leader, there is a confirmation pop-up. If you click "Yes" (intentionally or not), this is considered your pe...
What is a gang chat?
Gang chat is the place where you can communicate with your fellow gang members. To open the chat, go to the "My Gang" menu and tap on t...
Who is the gang leader?
The gang leader decides who stays in the gang and who gets kicked out. When you create a new gang, you automatically become its leader. Late...
For gang leaders: how to manage my gang?
If you are a gang leader, navigate to the "My Gang" menu and tap settings to set the gang's description, the prestige requirement to join th...
Why can't I join the gang?
Make sure the gang isn't full (there can be up to 25 players in one gang) and that you meet the gang's prestige requirement. Tap the "Join" ...
What is a gang box?
The gang box is a box that you can only get if you’re in a gang. For 3 days, all members of the gang earn trophies in 3v3 fights to open the...
How do 3v3 fights work?
You can participate in 3v3 fights if you're in a gang. Each day you get a set of 10 opponents that you need to defeat in order to maximize y...
What is a gang leaderboard?
You can see the results of the previous Gang Battle in one of the Global Leaderboard tabs. Gangs are ranked by the number of trophies t...
How does the leaderboard work?
To make the competition fair, we have kept the original time zones of the gangs. This means that the time the round starts and ends is diffe...
Why can I no longer get trophies in Gang Fights?
Currently, in order to start getting trophies again, players need to move to the next stage. There's a trophy limit in the game, 400 tr...
City Kings
City Kings is the best way to show that your gang is the coolest in the world! Conquer districts and entire cities to earn rewards and the r...
Why is our gang waiting for an opponent in City Kings for so long?
This situation is not caused by technical difficulties - these are the features of our matchmaking system, which the same for all gangs.The ...
I lost my leadership in the gang. Can I get it back?
Leadership can be lost if you leave you gang or are inactive in the game for more than 30 days. In both cases, the system would automaticall...
What's Gang Fights matchmaking?
The opponents you get in the Gang Fights are chosen based on your and their current stages. Strength, health, and damage stats are not taken...
There are less than 25 members in our gang. Can someone attack us in City Kings?
Yes, they can. The number of the gang members in both gangs is not a major factor in the City Kings matchmaking. Otherwise, gangs with few p...
Can a gang be attacked without its consent?
Yes, it can be attacked even if the players haven't signed up for a battle. In this case, they will receive a notification that another gang...
Why is no one joining my gang?
Firstly, check your gang's settings to make sure that the requirements are set to minimum and that your gang is open. If it's not private, t...
I didn't get my City Kings Rewards
Please note that on November 2022, City Kings rules were updated. Now, there are several requirements you need to meet in order to get the e...