Account Issues
Account progress on Android
🤖AndroidYou can save and sync your Android account in Google Play. Easy-peasy! If your device doesn't have Google services installed, ...
How do I restore my progress?
To restore your game progress from the iCloud or Android Cloud, you must first save it there. You can toggle the cloud synchronization on an...
Clear or reset Google Play Store app cache and data
If you're facing a "Flow for Sku" issue, or something is preventing you from playing, we recommend clearing or resetting the Google Play Sto...
Can I change my character name?
You should choose your nickname at account registration with all seriousness as it will stay with your account for a long time. Currently, i...
Can I create multiple C.A.T.S. accounts on one device?
No, unfortunately, you cannot. In order to use multiple C.A.T.S. accounts at the same time, you will need multiple devices. Please DO N...
Account progress on Apple Devices
🍎iOS You can save and sync your iOS account in iCloud. Easy-peasy! How to save progress1. Start the game and open the game settings.2....
Can I play on one C.A.T.S. account using devices with different OS (iOS, Android, etc.)?
Currently, some users are unable to play on different platforms. We are working on the most convenient way to synchronize your progress. Sta...
How to turn the notifications on/off? (iOS)
If you are on iOS 7 and higher:Settings > Notifications > C.A.T.S.: Crash Arena Turbo Stars > Allow Notifications ON/OFF If yo...
How to turn the notifications on/off? (Android)
If you use Android 4.1 and higher:Settings > Device > Application Manager > C.A.T.S. > Show notifications ON/OFFIf you use Andro...
Someone is playing under my account!
If you have noticed unusual changes in the game, it is possible that someone else who has access to your device (it could even be a friend o...
Report Inappropriate Nicknames
Si te encuentras con un apodo que va en contra de nuestras pautas, puedes reportarlo enviándonos un correo electrónico. 📧Para facilitarlo, ...
Why wasn’t I able to activate my promo code?
If you are sure that you have entered the promo code correctly, then the only reason it did not get activated is that the activation limit h...
Can my time zone be changed? / The time my Championship round ends is inconvenient for me
A player's time zone is determined by their location at the time of account registration. There are several major time zones, and the end ti...
How can I start the game from scratch?
If you want to start from scratch, simply reinstall the game and you will start it from the very beginning. After you finish the tutorial, g...
I have already turned 16. Сan I change my age in the game?
Sorry, you can’t. It’s about a new change in privacy policy (GDPR), which came into effect in May 2018. In connection with the new rules, we...
How do I get a redeem code?
Usually, we give redeem codes in our videos on YouTube: Please note that...
My ID changed in the in-game Settings!
If you noticed a change in your usual "Nickname#12345" format in the game settings, don't worry - it's supposed to be that way!Now your in-g...
Can I sell, buy, trade, share, give away my account?
No, you cannot. Your account is personal to you, and you may not rent, lease, sell, trade, gift, bequeath, or otherwise transfer it to ...