The era of civil and military drone dominance is over! Two new types of drones are storming the battlefield - corporate and experimental! Operatives, meet Agent and Phantom!

Updated Guard and Medpro Modules

Core Meltdown

New firmware has been released. Now, all enemies in the module's radius will be slowed down.

Suppressive Toxin

Reduced toxin damage.

Vi Rebalance!

  • Vi no longer triggers enemy fire while invulnerable when using the Shadow Step ability

  • The preparation time for Shadow Step after pressing the ability button has been increased from 0.2 to 0.3 seconds

  • Shadow Step armor penetration was reduced from 80 to 40

  • Weapon armor penetration was reduced from 45 to 35

  • Weapon armor damage modifier reduced from 80% to 70%

  • Maximum Shadow Step range reduced from 350 to 320


In addition, the following bugs have been fixed:

  • Alice's portals no longer remain on the battlefield if the player disconnects from the battle

  • Alice can no longer place multiple portals while inside Tess's Ball Lightning

  • In addition, portals cannot be opened at all inside Tess's Ball Lightning

  • Vi can no longer pass through solid walls using Shadow Step

  • Fixed Ramsey's audibility during his Rampage

  • Fixed Ramsey's barrier, sometimes remaining after canceling Rampage

  • Tess's Ball Lightning now stops Vi's ability

  • The reviving sound does not loop if the reviving drone is destroyed