What a syndicate is and how to become a member
What is a syndicate, and why it is importantThe Syndicate is a community of players who have come together to help each other on the battlef...
Workout: what can YOU do for your Syndicate?
The Workout is a daily activity where the entire Syndicate joins forces to obtain rewards.By playing in any mode you can receive Fame points...
Drones: types and unlocking your first drone
The Drone is there to help you in the face of adversity and is always by your side. It looks like a satellite next to your hero. Drone type ...
Drone Overclock
Overclock is a temporary boost of your drone. Overclock increases certain drone attributes (such as health or damage) for a specific number ...
Syndicate and Seasons
All syndicates compete for the title of Best Syndicate of the Week and Best Syndicate of the Season. The main goal is to gain as much Fame a...
How to rename my Syndicate?
Once you create your Syndicate, it is not possible to change its name later in the game. You also cannot change it via the Support Team.Plea...
Can I encounter bots with auto-reload or auto-revive abilities in random Syndicates?
Yes, because bots have syndicates. Auto-revive is unavailable for bots, but auto-reload is available.